Each week I receive emails from the brave, vulnerable, open-hearted beings in this community about the barriers that you experience in regards to healing, growth & evolution. One of the main things I hear is that many of you feel frustrated, burnt out & resentful when it comes to the healing, spiritual & wellness industry. In fact, it kind of makes you want to gag & roll your eyes deep into the back of your head whenever you see coaches, spiritual mentors & therapists advise people to, ‘Breathe, observe what’s coming up, get curious & trust themselves.”
Because you’ve read the books, listened to every popular podcast, created countless morning routines (all of which you hate), danced butt ass naked under the moon, attended retreats, written the lists, burned the journals, set intentions, called on your guides & paid for pricy online workshops that came with empty promises & surface level journal prompts. And after all is said & done, you still feel the same: not great.
Whew. Listen, I hear you. I was once in your shoes. Shoot, sometimes I still am! And honestly, it’s a miracle you’ve made it this far on your own. Because you’re right, there’s a lot of information out there to work through in the healing & wellness industry in order to find who & what resonates with your soul & moves your mind in a way that actually works. And yes, it can be wildly frustrating on your way there.
I get it. But I have a favor to ask: please don’t throw in the towel & return to old patterns, toxic cycles & harmful ways of showing up in life because you’re burnt out & feel stuck. Instead, follow these 3 steps & get ahold of me. I’ve got you. This is temporary if you want it to be. You can get free if you want to. Start here.
1. Celebrate making it this far on your own
2. Acknowledge who & what has been interfering with your healing, growth & development (sometimes that person is you & that’s okay. Own your sh*t & then move forward with the desire to heal)
3. Breathe. Quit trying to do it on your own. Gather up all your ‘stuff’ that’s heavy & hinders your growth (yes, that stuff you hide & try to pretend isn’t there — we all have it & the real ones won’t turn you away if it looks messy, we’ll get excited to get to work) & walk towards the spaces, places & healers who respect your journey, welcome you as you are & teach you how to be your own best healer for the rest of your life.
Because the work doesn’t end, it simply evolves. And so do you.
Schedule an alignment call by clicking here to explore what’s possible for you when you work with a hands-on, heart-led healing coach & receive the support you need as you do your soul work. I have a feeling you might amaze yourself..
Click here for a few more reminders as to why you’re not a failure at healing & what might be interfering.
See you on the other side,
Coach B
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